

SPRING INTO BRUNCH HOUSEPARTY! "Maxwell House Coffee and Velveeta Cheese" I have a few people invited so far and have a few more to invite...I need to get a few recipes together and get ready for my Party Package to arrive in the mail soon:) Getting excited to share this event with a few friends and family!
Alrighty: I hosted one back in January which was from Kristin Hannah:) I love her books....she is an awesome author....."Winter Gardens" was a very good book, which by the way I am going to be posting my review on really soon..So keep a look out on that!
http://www.kristinhannah.com If your a reader go check her books out...You won't regret it! This is just one of the many good reads she has wrote!!:)
If it's something that sounds interesting to you..Go check this site out and sign up everything is free......you just have the PARTY!! http://www.houseparty.com
Be sure to come back after March 20th....I will be sure to post some pics and the recipes i decide to make:)

1 comment:

Midnite Skys said...

I just found out I am having a Digiorno pizza party on the same day!!! My first party....

Thanks for stoppin by:)It's nice to meet each and everyone of you all......I hope you enjoy my blog and come back anytime:))

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