I'm really glad to be down with my quarter of college, oh how i thought that would never end...I am off till March:) Yeah I have decided to take a quarter off to catch up on life..
Here in Ohio we have not had any snow, but lots of thunderstorms and rain:(( Where is Old Man Winter? Hey I might just be jinxing myself there:) I'm wanting a white christmas, so time will tell..
My husband's nephew was hit by a car and is still in a coma after 2 1/2 weeks, hopefully everything turns out and he pulls thru, Prayers sure do change things, so extra ones are always welcome:) Thanks! He is only 16 and is strong willed....Please Pray!!
My brother and his family came to visit for Thanksgiving..It was nice to have the whole family together and getting to visit was wonderful:0 Bad thing is that like 8 of us got sick on friday after turkey day and I ended up in the er....My fever was 103...I was dehydrated and my sugar was high, oh my...I was a mess! Luckily they got me functioning again and tonight i sit in bed, still feeling alittle bad, but taking it one day at a time....
I have recieved a few things in the mail over the past month.
Excited to get to do a few reviews on some products...that will be posted on a later day:)) So be sure to come back and check them out....
I can't believe it's almost December!! Where has time gone? My grandbaby will be 11 months in december.....My mom turns 72 and Christmas is going to be a great one, I pray!! And no snow yet, really blows my mind....But hey i am not complaining!!
Well just alittle catch you upper.....Come back and visit more as I am going to be busy Blogging!!!!
Happy Blogging to all!!!!
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