My daughter had just turned 14 in September and a few days past her birthday her and I were talking about Birth Control because she had this little boyfriend and her father and I had talked about bieng safe and hoping that she would make the right decisions~Well sometimes that doesn't always go your way..Ya know I was her age at one point in time!!!!..let me tell ya I'm proof:)) In the midst of our lovely conversation about me making her an appointment to have her put on some birth control....(to make a long story short) she said she was pregnant and was sure because she didn't have a period for some time and her boyfriend had bought a pregnancy test and it came back POSITIVE! Yes my mouth dropped to the floor, I fell out of my chair and I cried......I couldn't believe my ears and I think i was in shock when i think back a few months.. So I took her to urgent came back POSITIVE~I took her to the community health center and it came back POSITIVE....I kept saying something isn't right here, they are saying she is PREGNANT:) Yeah I just wasn't ready to realize the truth..
Well her father and I talked and came to the only conclusion we know and that was to keep the baby! Knowing that this is my baby girl going to have a baby but we felt that this was the right choice~
So now i'm going to be a NANA:) I don't care to much for grandma because that will make me feel old and I'm far from that. lol I am only 36!
Well It's a Baby Girl and were going to name her or i should say her name is Gabriella Grace Elisabeth......She is due Feburary 17, 2010
This has really brought my daughter and I really close and I am glad to be by her side through this. Ya know I think she will be graduating high school while dropping her daughter off to kindergarten:))
So she has gained the weight, is really moody and sensitive....due to hormones......(oh an at times i could scream but I don't) Stretch marks are working there way in.....which i am hoping to get ahold of before they get to bad but that is just something that is out of my control! and Her appetite is crazy at times.
The baby moves alot now and is growing like a weed...The Dr.s say she is going to be a long baby......which my daughter was long when she was born....:))
You are probably asking is the Father in the picture?
Yes He is.....he comes to visit on the weekends and goes to Dr. appointments with us, his father has helped buy alot of the baby things which we are very thankful for......were slowly getting ready and she is coming fast:))lol It just seems like yesterday she told me and now were in the third trimester and going to the Dr.s every 2 weeks now:)
So were having a little family baby shower at my nephews house on thanksgiving...since that is the only time my big family gets together:)) I am looking forward to seein everyone!
Welp I will be sure to keep ya updated on my grandbaby when she gets here~I'm getting excited and nervouse as the days go bye but we will manage it all:))
Thanks for stopping by and have a Blessed Thursday!!!!
You are a wonderful Mom, and you will be a wonderful Nana. Stay strong.
I just have to say that I am proud of you and your family for the way you have handled all of this. God Bless You and I can tell Gabriella will be welcomed into a wonderful family. Congrats Nana!!
It's nice that you are so supportive. My first daughter was born on Feb 15, when I was 18. She turned out alright, and I'm sure your grandaughter and daughter will as well!
It's wonderful to see how you've been by her side. My sister-in-law was in college when she got pregnant but not married and her parents were not nearly as supportive as you are being. All too often the parents take on the "what have you done to me" attitude and that just plain ol does nothing for the situation. Maybe the baby will be a little early...Feb 3rd is my birthday!
Im proud of you for supporting your daughter! The world needs more moms like you
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